Bob Stolzberg: Being a Technical Evangelist
Evangelist / Marketing / Sales All Drive Business
What are many business people missing about technology that could help move their objectives forward?
- Understanding how people are using technology to get value and benefit their lives
- Apple: Personal technology devices that blow the world away
How can you start to understand the value they can derive from it?
- feedback with user community.
- Use the products yourself
- Relate to your users. Empathy.
Your career has been mostly technical, how do you think about relating to different stakeholder groups:
- Marketing
- Sales
- This is the show me state. Seeing is believing so just show them
- This is how it works and the value you’ll get from it.
- Simply show them the solution and answer questions that help them apply the solution to themselves.
- How do we know what they need to see?
- Just like buying a luxury vehicle…
- Show what’s important to you.
- Adapt to the personality and perception of the customer
- Most important thing is sales process experience and emotional impact
- You have to be an expert on using the product to sell it.
- Operations: delivery, logistics, supply chain etc.
- Dev teams
Evangelism vs. Marketing vs. Sales:
The term evangelist is relatively new, we see it mostly in technical fields. How do you compare it to marketing and sales?
- Define term evangelism: passionate advocacy and cheerleader.
- Exemplify the corporate value.
Compared to sales:
- Sales is critical to business. What they do is macro focused; it’s big picture. What he does is very micro: specific apps, infrastructure, use cases. k
- With corporate marketing / sales it’s more
How do sales people work with you as an evangelist?
- Doesn’t carry a number.
- Is an agnostic fact teller.
- Shows up to highlight the technology as a solution.
- Help clients understand the decisions they have to make.
- Started in operations
- Started own companies
- Sold them all to get to focus on enterprise
- Moved into consulting organization. travel. exciting and difficult projects
- Thought he wanted to be in sales
- Sales leadership told him he’d never be in sales there.
- Stayed focused on progress and doing what’s exciting.
- Take risks to get perspective.
Favorite business book? The Power of Habit. Charles Dohig
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